Electric Chain Hoists and Motorized Trolleys

Used in many industries, the vast majority of electric hoists and trolleys are used indoors protected from the elements. The automotive sector, machine shops, tool and die, manufacturing, mining and many other sectors use electric chain hoist and trolleys. When it comes to electric chain hoists and motorized trolleys we have a few brands to select from and all are high-end quality and world-class leaders.
Customers sometime request the brand required but often times they just want a quality product that will last in their application with little to no downtime (except for regular inspections and maintenance) so it is nice to have more than one quality option to provide.
Depending on the voltage and tonnage required, we offer Demag, Columbus McKinnon and Kito hoist as options. Columbus McKinnon and Kito do offer lower power supplies and tonnages so they meet most application specifications. There are other very reputable brands we sell from time to time like Vulcan and Budgit. When motorized trolleys are required, we again offer Demag, CM and Kito for the quality and based on availability. When radio remote controls are required and installed for either the electric hoist or trolley or both, we mostly supply factory-installed units from Demag and Columbus McKinnon.